Biofeedback and Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy
Bladder Botox Injection
- Foreskin removal is commonly done in newborn infants as routine medical or religious practice. Circumcision is also performed on adolescents and adults. Dr. Byrne is experienced in evaluating men of all ages who may need a circumcision.
- The adult circumcision is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia or light sedation.
- Common reasons for adult circumcision:
- Hygienic concerns
- Phimosis (unable to retract foreskin)
- Foreskin infection
- Lichen sclerosis, Balanitis
- Cosmetic reasons
- Pain with erection
- Bleeding or tearing of skin during erection or intercourse
- The adult circumcision is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia or light sedation.
- Cystoscopy is a procedure that generally takes less than two minutes to complete in the office.
- Dr. Byrne will give you a tour of your bladder and urethra as you look at the screen with her. You will know your findings immediately.
- Treatment with the UroLift® System uses a minimally invasive approach that provides rapid relief and recovery of BPH symptoms. It is an early treatment option can get men off of BPH medications and avoid major surgery. The goal of the UroLift System treatment is to relieve symptoms so you can get back to your life and resume your daily activities.
- The UroLift® System treatment has demonstrated a significant improvement in quality of life for patients compared to medications. The UroLift® System is the only BPH procedure shown not to cause new and lasting erectile or ejaculatory dysfunction, while being a safe and effective treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms due to BPH.
Peri Urethral Bulking Agent Injection
Prostate Biopsy
- A transrectal prostate biopsy is used in patients with an abnormal PSA level or an abnormal rectal exam to determine if the patient has prostate cancer.
- A fleet enema should be performed at home prior to the biopsy to help prevent infection. Antibiotics with also be given to you to take before and after the procedure for infection prevention.
- All anticoagulant medications should be stopped prior to the procedure.
- A thin ultrasound probe is placed into the rectum for visualization of the prostate.
- Local lidocaine is injected for numbing prior to biopsies.
- Twelve needle-size samples are taken at the time of biopsy.
- The entire procedure should take less than 5 minutes.
- You will have small amounts of blood in your stool, urine, and semen after the procedure and this is normal.
- You will discuss the results of your biopsy at the next appointment about 1-2 weeks later with Dr. Byrne.
Stage I Interstim Procedure
Urodynamic Procedures
- The urodynamic procedures (UDS) are used to determine bladder function and capacity as well as cause of urinary symptoms such as incontinence or retention of urine.
- You should come with a full bladder to the appointment.
- We will measure the speed and force of your urine flow (uroflow study).
- A very small soft catheter will be placed to drain your bladder completely. The bladder will be filled and pressure measurements will be taken.
- You will be asked to answer questions about the sensation of fullness as your bladder is filled.
- You will review all findings of the extensive UDS study once all of the results are organized and reviewed. At this follow up appointment, you will be able to discuss the best treatment options for you with Dr. Byrne based on your specific results.
- General information (download)
- Vasectomy is a safe and effective form of contraception with a failure rate of only 15 in 10,000.
- You and your partner should have an open conversation about this choice of contraception and both be in agreement.
- Vasectomy procedure consists of cutting of the vas deferens in order to stop sperm from entering the semen.
- Dr. Byrne performs the no-scalpel technique.
- The procedure generally takes less than 20 minutes in the office.
- Medications to avoid prior to the procedure: aspirin, ibuprofen (brand names: Advil, Motrin, Nuprin), ketoprofen (brand name: Orudis) or naproxen (brand name: Aleve). These medications increase bleeding.
- Be sure to have tight fitting underwear for after the procedure.
- You can use an ice pack the night of the procedure to decrease possible swelling.
- You should have two negative semen analyses before unprotected intercourse. This can take months to achieve depending on number of ejaculations.